Visual Explanations – Popular Video Trends
Visual explainers are the best thing to happen to PowerPoint since sliced bread! Not only do they show you a presentation in its entirety – including sidebars, footnotes, table of contents and all the other bits and pieces you may not be able to get to without looking at a photo of a large map or chart – they also show you visuals that make it easier for you to understand the presentation itself. You don’t have to worry about struggling with the time-consuming overview slides any more thanks to these new animated explainer videos. Here’s how they work.
Visuals are just clips or full-length videos (many are in high-definition too) that allow you to better understand and grasp important concepts and ideas presented within a certain topic or industry. For example, think about any business presentation with a lot of numbers or data, particularly those where the numbers and data are on a computer screen or PDF. Unless you’ve been trained in the art of keeping track of time or statistics, you probably find it difficult to follow such presentations and difficult to remember what you just saw and learned. By watching an animated explainer video or using other visual media, you can easily follow along with the speaker and remember what was said. This will help you retain the information learned – and avoid losing interest or getting nervous when trying to speak your next words.
One popular tool in the world of visual explained is the sars-cov-2 virus. It first came to the attention of the world and the medical community through a study conducted by a group of Australian scientists who were studying the effects of the Sars disease on animals. They noticed that when they inserted the virus into certain mice, they significantly shortened their lifespan – an effect not found in animals that didn’t have the virus. The group then developed a product called LucidX, which is used to protect humans from this virus.
The use of visual graphs has also become very popular with the statistical or research fields. A popular type of visual graph is the histogram, which depicts the size and shape of a value as it appears in a histogram. Histograms are often used to illustrate relationships among variables. Visual infographics are also widely used in the medical and scientific fields to explain data sets and research findings.
A good example of visual explainers is a Jonathan Sage’s” Anatomy of Cancer” video, which explained the five stages of the development of a particular cancer cell. This video not only demonstrated the basic concepts behind the video but also illustrated much of the data that Sage had collected over the course of his career. His figures and studies were shown in full color and he was able to include many actual case studies. Many people enjoyed watching his studies, especially those whose loved ones had suffered from cancer. The research and visualization techniques used in the video made it very easy for others to understand the information.
A final example of visual explained is that of “Maps and Graphs” by Bill Gates and Paul Allen. This was an example of a video that actually used real data and its visualizations to explain complicated information to the audience. Visualization is important in all types of communication, be it verbal or written. It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to explain a complex topic like the Human Papilloma Virus or AIDS, or just explaining why your favorite team won the national championship or why a meteorite killed millions of people on the far side of the galaxy. Visualizing things makes it easier for us to remember, understand, or understand more about.