The World Weather Organization or WMO is an international body which maintains the information on weather conditions around the world. The organization is responsible for preparing a list of severe weather conditions that need to be reported in full and also issuing severe weather alerts. This is done so that people can be informed accordingly and take necessary precautions, which may save their lives in case of a sudden shower or rainfall etc. Since weather conditions change quickly from one place to another therefore, it becomes extremely important for people to know about these alerts.
The WMO is divided into five parts namely: Bonin, manship, manship, observatory, and meteorological departments. These sections cooperate with each other for forecasting and publishing global weather data. Since the meteorological department are experts in this area, they are entrusted with preparing the forecasts. They are better able to predict about the climate, atmospheric pressure, dew point etc. The observations and researches carried on by meteorologists are precise and are using to make such forecasts.
The meteorological service is divided into two sections namely: the General atmosphere and the Global Air Weather Forecasting Satellite (GAWS). The GAWS uses superior numerical calculation and supercomputing techniques to predict about future weather conditions on the Earth. The results are then made into output format and sent to the meteorological centers all over the world through satellite.
The General Atmosphere section monitors global-atmospheric processes, such as precipitation, clouds, winds, volcanoes etc. The cloud predictions are produced out of moist and cold temperature lapse rates, whereas the precipitation forecasts are made out of rain and snow fall. The meteorological department also monitors and updates the Global Hydrometer Collection (GHGC), which is an integral part of the Global Forecasting Satellite (GFS) system. This is a complete suite of weather prediction technologies, ranging from computer-based sky pollution monitoring to Global Positioning System (GPS) and Low-dimensional Radar sounding.
The third section, the medium range forecasting (MRF), is used to provide weather forecasts in a local area. Meteors predict the rain, snowfall and dew point and the precipitation. Low-level infrared imaging of ice particles emitted from active clouds helps to detect cloud condensation. MRF is extensively used for monitoring surface temperatures in selected areas in the Earth.
International Weather is the summary and result of complex interactions among interacting natural and human factors. The forecast models of meteorology are therefore dynamic and ever changing, reacting to changing conditions at various altitudes, basins, sectors and time periods. It has been predicted that the present generation will witness the gradual co-relation of the major economic indicators across the globe. Hence, the need for accurate information and up-to-date forecasts are ever increasing.